Special Recognition
Helping To Make It All Possible

Linda, Bean Counter
Linda is lovingly referred to as the Tucson Women's Chorus "Bean Counter"!
I keep the books, manage the money and do the financial reporting for TWC. I’m a retired CPA who spent her work years in various financial positions at various companies in northern California.
When I moved to Tucson in 2018, I was very lucky to almost immediately find TWC. I have always loved to sing and especially love singing harmony.
Other interests include playing bridge, online jigsaw puzzles, and travel—I’ve been to all 50 states and over 90 countries.

Rhishja, Webmistress
I moved to Tucson in 2016 from the San Francisco North Bay. I reconnected with my passion for singing and joined the Tucson Women's Chorus in Spring 2023.
Singing with the TWC provides me with spiritual nourishment and a path to healing. I love to sing and make beautiful music with my singing sisters!